Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - Hays Learning New Zealand
Image of two men working at a computer


Training to build a more equal and inclusive workplace


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is every employers’ responsibility. This module will challenge your attitude to equity and diversity, and leave you encouraged to be a positive and active contributor to a flexible and fair workplace.

  • Courses specific to creating a diverse working environment that is free from discrimination
  • Encourage employees to be active participants in making yours’ a flexible and fair workplace
  • Assign training and track team progress


Equity and Diversity open close

20 minutes – This module will challenge your attitude to equity and diversity, and leave you encouraged to be a positive and active contributor to a flexible and fair workplace.

Be Proactive! Inclusion Starts With You open close

5 minutes – This course will provide three ways you can be proactive about inclusion in your workplace.

LGBTIQ Inclusion open close

10 minutes – In this interactive, game-based module you will explore your own assumptions and learn the practical skills and behaviours that can help you become more inclusive of co-workers that are LGBTIQ +.

Cross Cultural Intelligence open close

10 minutes – In this interactive, game-based course employees will learn how to identify and adapt to cultural differences.

Gender Equality open close

8 minutes – Here we look at why people of all genders should care about gender equality and what we can do to work towards it.

Introduction to Diversity, Inclusion & Equity open close

5 minutes – Today, more and more companies are investing in making their workplaces better for their employees. A big part of this are words you’ve probably heard before – diversity, inclusion, and equity. But what exactly do they mean? Why are they needed?

Diversity & Inclusion open close

20 minutes – This course explains why a diverse and inclusive company has a competitive advantage over its competitors and emphasises the role of employees in supporting a diverse and inclusive workplace.

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